Now more than ever, it’s important that the franchising industry comes together to get through the challenges COVID-19 has created for the global economy.
Franchising is built on support and cooperation, it’s what makes our industry stronger than the independents and what will see us recover faster too. We’ve recently witnessed incredible statistics within the industry, notably the reported £17.2 billion that franchising contributed to the UK economy in 2018 and the 93% of franchisees claiming profit in the same year. Although business has now paused for many of us, we are certain we will return to this level of success.
To help achieve this, we’ve listed some helpful resources for franchisors to use during this challenging time.
The Franchise Advisory Board
We are proud to have teamed up with leading franchise law firm Harper Macleod to launch the new Franchise Advisory Board, a platform for franchisors to collaborate, communicate, educate, inspire and generally offer helpful advice to those who may be struggling through the current crisis. Initially, this is taking the form of a weekly conference call, every Tuesday at midday with a regular panel of experts and invited speakers, coupled with the Franchise Advisory Board Facebook group for further discussion and helpful advice. Join the group here.
The latest information from the UK Government
The Government website will provide the most up to date, reliable source of information throughout the pandemic. A particularly useful source for businesses may be the guidance for employers and businesses about COVID-19 here.
CIPR PR Advice
The current situation may lead to a change in the way you communicate with your audience. CIPR (The Chartered Institute of Public Relations) has put together a useful document to advise on PR best practice during this time, to help your brand act appropriately. View it here.
Employer and employee advice from ACAS
As a franchisor, you have a responsibility and duty of care for your franchisees and employees. It’s important to take the appropriate measures and follow Government advice to help reduce the spread of the disease. You can view the advice from ACAS here.
The Platinum Wave team
As always, we’re here for you. Please get in touch with Suzie, Andy or Steve if you need extra support during this time. We are keen to work with you to provide creative solutions and an adaptable strategy to help you and your franchise through this uncertain time. We would be delighted to offer a free strategy planning call to help you get started. You can get in touch with us here.